Orthobridge has powerful, flexible recall capabilities, designed to save you time and money and improve your patient response rates. Recall costs are a significant outlay for practices and a review of how much you are spending could result in large savings of both time and money.

Using Orthobridge's SMS platform, communication with patients has never been faster. It’s effortless to send appointment and recall reminders, or updated patients quickly via via text message.

Get your practice working better

The power of SMS is that it has a 98% open rate. With Orthobridge's SMS Unlimited, even managing the responses is simple because it is fully integrated with your Practice Management System – this allows patient replies to be inserted automatically into their own notes.

Reduce Costs

SMS/Text messages are low cost, instant, are read within 1 minute of being sent and mean you achieve a better response rate from patients. They don’t get lost in the post, drop into a spam email folder or hide amongst bills and letters on the doormat. Switching to SMS text messaging to recall your patients makes a significant cost savings in comparison to traditional postal recalls.

The savings mount up fast.

Depending upon your current costs and approach, it’s a significant saving for most practices. With an average practice recall rate of 200 patients each month, the cost saving is about £200 pcm.

Going green - become Paper-Free

Improving your recall methods via Orthobridge can support your move to becoming a paper-free practice and taking a greener approach